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 Suspension Prod J12

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Old School
Old School

Messages : 2863
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2011
Age : 46
Localisation : Gers (32)

Suspension Prod J12 Empty
MessageSujet: Suspension Prod J12   Suspension Prod J12 I_icon_minitimeLun 3 Mar - 17:44

Bon comme le dit le titre, CCM vient d'annoncer la suspension de la prod du J12 pour une durée non déterminée...

CCM a écrit:


We have made the decision to shelve the J12 for an undetermined length of time.

We have a machine time conflict between the J12 and our standard products that has made it difficult for us to resolve at this time.

We have tried different methods over the past few years with little success.

This decision was made with great difficulty knowing the following that the J12 has generated along with the anticipation of its production release.

I do want to be clear that we are not abandoning the J12. We just need more time to resolve the issues of machine time and labor.

I want to thank all of you for your enduring patience and you loyalty to CCM.

We will continue to produce the T2, Series 6 , and the Series 6.5, with a few little surprises along the way.

Bill and Laurie Holstein"
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